Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Chick Magnet

My hubby and Barney went to the office today to take me out to lunch. Before going to the resto I told me husband to stop by the bank. We made a bee line to the drive thru banking while Barney out of curiosity (as usual) peeped his head out to the open car window like he wanted to talk to the teller.

When the teller saw him, she asked alot of question about Bam-Bam like his breed, his age and made little cute human and dog conversation. Then suddenly, I saw her reaching for something underneath her desk. It was a dog treat like those milk shaped biscuits he got. How cool is that? A bank that take into consideration their clients dog huh! When she gave it to Barney he ate it with gusto boom it's gone before we even finish our transaction.

Barney's becoming a chick magnet. Everywhere he goes, he always elicits a smile, a glare, a little commotion, a positive reaction, a conversation alot of times with girls. So I don't know what he and his Dada do while Mama is at work. They're always together especially if my husband is off from work. He goes where his Dada goes except his work, he's off limits there.

With Barney's rising popularity with women I find it increasingly dangerous for my husband to use his dog as bait lol! Well I'm all about Barney getting all the buzz, he's always been a happy puppy so it's a no brainer that he'll always be the center of attention but my husband thought it was also for him. It's starting to inflate his ego hehehehe.

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